The Potential Making of a Cougar

The musings of a middle-aged pantyhose clad seductress

Lynn Loveworth
P.S. I Hate You


Photo by Ana Itonishvili on Unsplash

I've always had a rule of thumb. Do not ever flirt or entertain the idea of being with anyone that is young enough to be one of your children.

My oldest is in his mid-twenties, and my youngest is in his early twenties.
So anyone in that age group is completely off-limits, right????

Therefore, if someone is in their early thirties, say 10 years older than my youngest and 4 years older than my oldest, I should just walk away.

EXCEPT, I couldn’t.

I had to have him.

Damn, he makes me feel sexy as fuck, though. He's been attracted to me for six years but just said something about six months ago. I immediately told him I was way too old for him. I mean I'm 15 years older than him. I could potentially be his mother.

He loves my legs. We used to work together years ago. He told me recently how much it had always turned him on that I wore pantyhose to work quite often.

Is it wrong that I dress up for him and send him pictures of my nylon-clad legs?

He has asked me to create a private Only Fans site so he can pay me for pictures. It's not bad I'm only taking pics of my legs, I guess. I'm not going to lie. It is a big turn-on for me to know that someone finds me so sexy they are willing to pay for pictures of my legs. Women show more in bikinis than I would be showing. It would be just like modeling.

The problem is I really want him. He's funny, he's stable, he has his shit together.

I have so many mixed emotions about all of this.

He's a Pisces, I'm a Pisces, so he gets me, understands my need for independence, and my weirdness. He has asked to be my boyfriend, but I'm in a relationship.

He makes me want to be free. He makes me want to do naughty things. He makes me WANT to cheat.

He makes me want to be a Cougar! Roar, and maybe purr!



Lynn Loveworth
P.S. I Hate You

Divorced mother of two adult children figuring the world out after empty nest.