How I Used Judgment to Become a Better Me!

Shh, but I judge people who judge people

Lynn Loveworth
P.S. I Hate You


Photo by eskay lim on Unsplash

When I was younger I judged people. You cheated, you were the scum of the earth. You did drugs, you were a loser. You had multiple children from different partners, you were immoral. You were overweight, you were undisciplined.

I had a holier than thou attitude from hell.

I was also a huge hypocrite. I am overweight and ended up cheating. I was a “Do as I say, not as I do” type. This is what society and my environment taught me early on in my life. I was far from the evolved person that I am today (wink, wink), okay maybe not evolved but at least I’m fun!

Now I judge people who judge people.

I didn’t realize then that people’s choices were none of my business. Unless someone is going to come to harm, what they do is not my business. The older I get the more I understand that I don’t need to understand why someone does what they do. It is their body, their life, their choice.

You want to try a threesome (or more) do it, and enjoy the moment. You want to see if the grass is greener before you leave a relationship, fucking do it. You want to live as your true self please, please go ahead. Don’t let other people run your life. Are they going to be paying your bills or living with the consequences of your choices? Are they going to be there when the shit hits the fan? Chances are no.

So why do we care what they think?

Why be stuck in the same ol’, same ol’ when there is so much to explore and experience. You won’t like everyone or everything you try, but fucking try. What have you got to lose? Not everything will come up roses, yet those are the things that are going to make great stories later.

I am a big proponent of the pros and cons list, I love me a good list. If the pros outweigh the cons, DO IT! No matter what anyone else thinks. If you get judged for it, say fuck them. They have their own life to live and choices to make. I guarantee they are judging you because they are miserable with their own life choices.

So stop letting those Judgey McJudgertons run your life! Be the judge in your life, you judge what works for you.

Be Judge, Jury, and Executioner of your own life!



Lynn Loveworth
P.S. I Hate You

Divorced mother of two adult children figuring the world out after empty nest.